lördag 13 juni 2015


The inbox is the first thing you come to when starting the game. There you will find the gifts sent to you, help requests from friends and notifications about who have helped you by sending resources.
Once a day you can also send a "Mystery Box" to the feed. The gift you get when someone click the link is random and can by anything from coins to power packs.

There are things you should leave in the inbox for later.

In the Gifts section you should save the water and fertilizer.

In the Help Request section you should leave the water, fertilizer and baby bottles.

Click on all other messages to remove them, there is an upper limit as to how many messages you can have in your inbox. I've read that the limit is 300, but I've had more than that in the inbox. Still it's worth removing the things you don't need since more messages will drop in and fill it up as time goes.

Later on in the game you can go back and get the resources you need by clicking the messages. You will need to empty the inbox within 24 hours or you rick losing the resources you've saved for later.

Reloading the game will also add messages to the inbox that don't show up while you are in game, (at least if you get a lot of messages like I do).

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