söndag 6 september 2015

How to get 1.5 million points for the State Fair without cheating.

Since I blogged about State Fair ain't Fair I've wondered about one thing. How much would it cost to make 1.5 million state fair points the legal way? Now I have the answer. Roughly 3600€ (or $4000US) for one week.

This is how it could be done, theoretically, I don't have the actual money to try it out.

Put Heirloom Horse Mango in 30 level 5 groves. Place the groves so that they are easy to water, fertilize, speed grow and harvest. Start them up and wait until the next State Fair starts. Get a x10 shovel, that's 125 Farm Bucks (22.7€ or $25.2 a day). Make sure you have the x2 Double Time Bonus.

Speed grow the groves, harvest, water, fertilize and repeat until you have the 1.5 million points needed. You will need to harvest the groves about 60 times. Buy 100 pack Water, 100 pack Speed Grow and 150 pack Fertilizer to get the best prize. Check how long your x2 bonus last, that's how much time you have to do this. (The maximum time is 48h.)

If you have a Free Water Time Certificate you lower the cost by about 2200€ (or $2500).
If you have a Hungry Animal Time Certificate you can lower the fertilizer cost by about 475€ (or $528).
If you have both you lower the cost with about 2675€ (or $3028).
Leveling up will also lower the cost since it's free speed grow and will give points from other crops and animals too.

Now, remember, this is how much money Zynga loses per cheater and week. It's a lot of money considering how many cheaters there are, and Zynga does very little to stop them.

How to maximize your chances in the County/State Fair the legal way.

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