1. Play on Zynga. I can't stress this enough. This is where you get the most friends who play, the easiest access to posted items and so on.
2. Have hundreds of active friends who play FV2. You need a lot of people to ask for water and fertilizer from.

The simple recipe is that: Time + High XP = More Prized Goods = Higher Fair Points.
4. Use fields and groves. Make sure to raise their levels as soon as you can afford it. Higher level fields and groves produce more prized goods.
5. Always use heirloom trees. Store elder trees if you have enough pruning sheers, sell them if you need them.
6. Always fertilize. No fertilizer, no prized goods. Use the nurseries to create animals that produce more fertilizer, and keep a good stock of animals with short feeding times. Gold-Laced Cochin Chicken is a clear favorite here, a chance of 3 fertilizer every 5 minutes + more fertilizer if it's nursery raised.

Tips! This is where I use the co-op goal super grow (when the farm is instantly ready for harvest). This means that I have to avoid clicking on the Market Stand once the co-op goal is reached, but it's worth it.
This is also a good time to level up if possible. Craft high XP items to level up with. (I find the Crafting Kiln the most efficient for this task.)
9. Get water by asking your (hundreds) of friends for help and clicking the post feed, also visit neighbour farms to click on sprinklers. Send water as free gifts and hope that your friends will do the same.
10. Use visiting neighbors to speed grow the crops for the fair. Place the fields close to the entrance (by the Market Stand) since most visitors usually stay in that area. Also put a couple of single heirloom tress there. If a neighbor click on a tree, transfer it to a grove, water, fertilize and then let the neighbor go to work. The whole grove will be speed grown.
Remember to always visit those who visit you to keep them coming back. Click on high XP crops of groves to get the prized crops from the first ones you visit.
11. Always use your Farm Hands to speed grow. You know where you will put them. Make sure it's on your highest XP 1d crops to get the most out of them.
12. If you can't play all day, then log on regularly to use water and feed animals to get fertilizer.
How about the Cheaters then? They are out there and they do get all the good stuff as a reward for being bad. It's not fair in any form or way. One thing that can easily be spotted are the ones who cheat to get Double Time for more than the 48 hour limit. It's also fair to assume that those who get more than 1 million points cheat in one way or the other, even though it's possible to do it the legal way. (How to get 1.5 million points without cheating.)
Zynga have put up a page where we can report the cheaters, and I suggest you use it. As always with Zynga, there seems to be little action, but, the more reports they get the more obvious it will be to them that this is a huge problem. (Not only in the state fair).
Reporting a suspicious player
is this!!! cheating? ---> http://i410.photobucket.com/albums/pp182/jacksparow119/farmville%20cheaters%202_zpsn3ax258b.jpg
SvaraRaderathere are alot! of cheating A-holes on famrville 2 and zynga the owners of the game do nothing! about it ....because they can not afford to get rid of all the cheaters ..if they get rid of them then they will lose money from us idiot paying players
if you have had enough of being scammed by zynga and all the zynga game cheaters then please join me in a class compliant to the online fraud section of the FBI
my email is: mysafelists19@gmail.com
if you have had enough and you do not want to be scammed anymore then email me
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