torsdag 18 juni 2015

Breeding Barn Farmville 2

Pedigree Stars
The new horse Breeding Barn is here and I've decided to unlock it early.

This is how you do it.
Open the Breeding Barn, pick two horses to breed. Remember that a horse can only be bread once. A star with golden pieces will show what horses are best to breed. Pay 10 - 35 favors (depending on your account). Feed the horses you are breeding to speed up the breeding (3 times) and your new foal arrives together with some extra gifts. Congratulations on your new horse.
(Click on image to enlarge.)

Now it's time to find the bugs....

Bug #1: Invisible horses. After breeding some horses they will turn invisible, or they will turn invisible after feeding.
Bug #2:  A pile of galloping horses. When using the arrows to scroll between horses inside the Breeding Barn the horses will gallop to the side. Sometimes they pile up and obscure the horses behind them. Exiting the barn and reentering fixes it, but it's annoying.
Bug #3:  Frozen horses. Horses freeze and can't be moved or fed. The page has to be reloaded to unfreeze them, (sometimes more than once).  It happens often and reloading the game all the time is time consuming.
Bug #4:  The sign above the horses is now covering the horse, making it difficult to pick up the horse, often resulting in accidental super feeds instead.
Bug #5: Blue Ghost Horse. A blue silhouette of a horse sometimes appear in the Breeding Barn. The ghost horse does not represent a horse on the farm.
Bug #6?:  This one is odd. Breeding the same kind of horse can bring different results in pedigree. I've gotten a foal of lesser pedigree (p1 instead of p2) several time by now.

Feed to speed up
Pick a couple

Bonus Rewards

All Grown Up

You got Twins!


The Neighbors can visit your farm hand help out. The number of helps depend on their County Fair status, ranging from 5 to 10 help points. You can add 300 neighbors, + some that slip in though they shouldn't be able to. (I have 347.)

Visiting your neighbors is a way to get coin, XP, resources, finish quests and get visitors to your own farm.Still, the % of neighbors that will keep on visiting your farm is quite low. Having 347 neighbors I got about 50-60 visits a day, while on top in the County/State Fair. Once I fell behind in the Fair, the number dropped to 20-30. (The highest ranked get more visitors, it's a major reason to do well in the County/State Fair.)

You can't remove the neighbors you don't like, but inactive neighbors can be remove after a certain amount of time. You'll get the option to visit or remove when hovering the mouse pointer over their avatar. Note that they may come back if they start playing again.

Tips: When visiting your neighbors:
Heirloom Remu Tree Grove
The first 5-10 neighbors you visit will give Prized Crops that also gives you extra coin and XP. The higher XP the crop or Heirloom Tree has the more XP you get. Learn how to recognize the Heirloom Trees and Crops that will be the best for you. Heirloom Remu Trees gives the highest XP (1108XP + over 8000 coin) you can possibly get, and I think that Soybeans gives the highest coin (over 12000). You can compare that to the 250XP you get for the highest XP crop, Jerusalem Artichoke. Use 4-5 visiting power on the trees/crops and use the rest to get resources you need.

Clicking on sprinklers will give you 1 water per sprinkler, and your neighbor will get 1 water too. Clicking on wells, water towers, water troughs, might give you water, if you are lucky, and your neighbor will not get water. The polite thing to do is to click the sprinklers. Some neighbors even put a row of sprinklers outside of their crops so that you can click on them easily.

Some neighbors put up signs and/send messages with requests about what they want you to do on their farm. It's up to you to decide if you want to or not. Do you have things you want them to help you with or doesn't it matter?
My personal rule is that it has to be quick and easy. Don't put up a sign asking me to water your trees at the entrance of the farm, then leave the trees at the far back of the farm. I won't go there. The same goes for people asking me to feed a specific type of animal, but keep all animals mixed in great herds. Visiting neighbors takes time and I want to get in and out as quickly as possible.

lördag 13 juni 2015


The inbox is the first thing you come to when starting the game. There you will find the gifts sent to you, help requests from friends and notifications about who have helped you by sending resources.
Once a day you can also send a "Mystery Box" to the feed. The gift you get when someone click the link is random and can by anything from coins to power packs.

There are things you should leave in the inbox for later.

In the Gifts section you should save the water and fertilizer.

In the Help Request section you should leave the water, fertilizer and baby bottles.

Click on all other messages to remove them, there is an upper limit as to how many messages you can have in your inbox. I've read that the limit is 300, but I've had more than that in the inbox. Still it's worth removing the things you don't need since more messages will drop in and fill it up as time goes.

Later on in the game you can go back and get the resources you need by clicking the messages. You will need to empty the inbox within 24 hours or you rick losing the resources you've saved for later.

Reloading the game will also add messages to the inbox that don't show up while you are in game, (at least if you get a lot of messages like I do).