torsdag 11 december 2014

Zynga admits that the Co-op Goal is truly impossible.

The power, water and time needed to fill the orders are close to impossible by them selves. That's no news to me. However, my co-op decided to go the extra mile to get the 200 favors  and...

It turns out that this is an inbuilt feature made by Zynga. Each member in a co-op can only fill 35 orders "to ensure that all players can contribute to the Co-op Goal". When the co-op needs to fill more than 35 orders per member there is no point in playing.
Note that we filled 109 orders out of 110. In our case we filled more than 35 orders each, but are still one order short of filling the goal.

lördag 6 december 2014

Post Failed - Trying to Tell People About The Feed Bug

Yepp. Letting people know that Zynga still haven't fixed the bug that robbs us of our hard earned feed is abusive or spam. *eyeroll*

Feeding Trough / Animal Barn Bug

This is a very irritating and costly bug for the average user. If all your animals are hungry, as they usually are when you log on, and you use a feeding trough before feeding the animals in the Animal Barn, you will loose all your feed.

Example. Checking the barn it says that it needs 275 feed and your trough says that it needs 160 feed. Feding all animals in the trough and the barn should take 435 feed. In total you have 2216 feed and there should be no problem clicking on the trough and still have plenty of feed left. Wrong. Click on the trough and almost all feed will go to the Animal Barn. Then you'll have to make more feed for the trough.

 Stats before clicking on the Stable and Pig Trough.

Stats after clicking on the Satble and Pig Trough once.
The barn took 2200 feed instead of 275 feed and the Stable and Pig Trough still needs feeding.

fredag 5 december 2014


More inequality between accounts created by Zynga. This time it’s the fishing boats. Some accounts can now cast x5 bait at the time, others only x2. Then there are those who can only cast one, as usual. Zynga can blame a “slow rollout” all they want, but the difference between x5 and x2 can’t be explained by that.